This year we threw away all the barriers and decided to enter the PAGB Cup ‘Open’ Competition. This is open to all the clubs affiliated to the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain. We had to enter 15 images from club members and cross our fingers. I have just had the results back. Wigan 10 won the competition for the third time with 196 points. Tenby came joint 15th with 165 points. Neath and District had a total of 150 points. Unfortunately I don’t know where this put us in the rankings but for a first attempt it wasn’t a bad score. Below is a list of the Neath entries and their scores.
ComeBackIDon’tBite |
10 |
LC |
CraigAndMaizie |
11 |
CK |
DawnCorus |
09 |
KH |
DeepInThought |
09 |
DE |
FishingOnTheWall |
11 |
HT |
ForThoseInPeril |
09 |
AJ |
GraffitiGirl |
12 |
DE |
JennaByTheRiver |
10 |
HT |
SA1-1AS |
10 |
AJ |
CraigYrNosAutumn |
09 |
DD |
Trooper |
11 |
CK |
Who’s Next |
11 |
LC |
WhiteHorsesInMarsh |
10 |
DE |
JennaDeepInThought |
09 |
HT |
WolvesInSnow |
09 |
LC |
 Total Score  |
150 |
Key to Photographers
LC – Linda Cowen, CK – Colin Kelly, KH – Kevin Hunt, DE – Dave Edwards AFIAP
 HT – Haydn Thomas DPAGB AFIAP, AJ – Arfon John, DD – Dave Dugay,
I am still waiting for the results of the Natural History Category to be published.