Skomer Puffin Pics results

My understanding on accepting the life-threatening challenge of judging this competition was that it was a light-hearted affair meant to show that at NPS we enjoy our photography, enjoy being together, enjoy our field trips and have some fun. Long may it continue.

See the gallery for the super Puffin pics and comments – please add your own.

I’m told that just surviving the scorching sun and heat on Skomer on that day deserved a prize, so well done on getting some great shots in the conditions. One pic clearly shows the effect of the harsh conditions on four of our members.

As judge and final arbiter I have decided to award TWO winners. One for the best CREATIVE Puffin pic and the other for the best Natural History Puffin pic.




Winner of Creative Puffin Pic  is:

“Percy the Puffin and Conger eel”

Imaginative and hilarious!

Terry Goss


Winner of Natural History Puffin Pic is:

“Skomer Island”

Terrific capture of Puffin coming in to land with sand eels.

Ben Clarkson



Many thanks to Arfon for judging the competition and selecting the two worthy winners.


Kevin Hunt