The first meeting of our 2008-9 season got off to a flying start with our EnPrint competition.
With enough entries to span nearly 2 walls the clubhouse was a blaze of colour with photographs of nearly every subject imaginable.
Judging was done on an in-house basis with every member selecting their top five images.
The results were tallied up with the aid of Rob Lethbridge and Microsoft Excell and the top five were put to one side to increase the tension.
After a recess and instruction lesson on re-sizing the results were announced by the Chairman.
Now reports of paying off were totally untrue, it was petrol money, but (blush blush) the winner was announced as yours truly, Colin Kelly with a picture of a Common Kestrel taken that previous weekend.
Our next competition is Competition No 1 on the 23rd September. Hand in is next Tuesday (9th Sept)
Good luck to all for this forthcoming season
Colin Kelly (Competition Secretary)