Hero to Zero

Piccadilly Trophy held at Gwynfe Camera club.

A good start to this competition, two prints with 17 points a 14 and a in the judges words ” a potential salon winner”, Corus Sunrise  which scored a 20 meant we went into the halfway mark with a 1 point lead over Monmouth, 2 over  host club Gwynfe, and a comfortable 3 over Rhoose and st Athan and Crai ( who had brought half their membership along , all six of them ).

Disaster was to strike in the second half which was  judged on  two DPI’s and 2 slides. This section saw us slip back dramatically to 4th place with 127 points, losing by 10 to Gwynfe and 3 behind Monmouth and Rhoose and St Athan ; our second half points equalled those scored by Crai, congratulations must go to Gwynfe for 3 stunning images which quite rightly scored 20 each to  heavily tip the balance in their favour. Well done Crai, especially as they are the smallest club in the Welsh Federation with only 12 members and only formed late last year . I am sure we will see more of them before long. They were certainly a happy crowd and kept me company through the night as I was on my own  ( all say aaaah!).
