Our Scoring System

Our scoring system has evolved over the years to accommodate our competition needs which are:

  • To find the Photographer of the Year
  • To find the winners of our numerous trophies

Best to separate these two functions to make understanding of the system easier

Photographer of the Year points

Points for this are gained by the first 5 placed photographers in our 6 Monthly Print and PI comps along with Assignment Prints, Assignment PIs, Flora & Fauna Print comp and the People Print comp.

Points are allocated as follows:

  • 1st = 12 points
  • 2nd = 8 points
  • 3rd = 6 points
  • 4th = 4 points
  • 5th = 2 points

Members can also gain Photographer of the Year (POTY) points in:

  1. Battles (3 points per selection in battles plus extra points 3, 2 or 1 for the top three performing images)
  2. Points can also be won by getting pictures accepted in the Welsh Salon of Photography, the Welsh International Projected Image Salon and the Hornbill Challenge

Some comps also have their own accompanying trophies e.g. Assignments, Flora & Fauna, People, Print & Slide of year, so that the winner of these comps automatically wins the accompanying trophy.

A member may win more than one position in a comp e.g. 1st and 3rd, but can only get the points for the highest placing to go towards the POTY score. The second placing can be seen as a “blocker”, in that it prevents another member from gaining some points; also the other placing might win points towards a trophy (see below).

Our 6 monthly comps are for prints and PIs so a single member could win as a maximum (12+12) =24 points for 1st place in both sections.


Some trophies are for monochrome only or colour only or for combined comps e.g. Comps 1, 3 and 5 or Comps 2, 4 and 6, and External events etc. Points for these are extracted from the results already recorded. They are NOT extra points towards POTY.