The Gallery is where NPS members can show their work to the rest of the world! It is also a great place to learn more about the art of photography by viewing others members images and exchanging opinions.
Open NPS Members Gallery
Uploading images to your Gallery could not be easier provided you follow the instructions set out below.
- Open a Gallery account
- Resize images correctly
- Name files correctly
- Uploading images to the Gallery
Opening a Gallery Account
Don’t have a Gallery Account? no problem, use the following email link to contact the Webmaster who will be happy to set up your Gallery account:
Contact the NPS Webmaster
You will receive an email containing your username and password to enable you to access your Gallery account. When you log into your Gallery account for the first time you may want to take the opportunity to change your password to something more memorable. This can be done by accessing the My Profile link on the sub menu bar..
Managing Your Account
Use ‘My Profile’ link on the submenu to manage your account, options include:
- Update your email account
- Add link to your personal website
- Add link to your flickr account
- Change your password.
Forgotten your password?
In the event that you forget your password, use the ‘I forgot my password’ link on the Gallery log-in screen for instructions to reset your password.
Adding Images to Your Gallery
Follow these three easy steps!!
Step One : Resize Images Correctly
Yes, size really does matter!!
The maximum size of images that may be uploaded to the gallery has been increased to 2048px x 2048px and no more than 1024kb in size. Larger images will not upload to the Gallery.
Tip: If you experience any difficulty uploading an image the first thing you should do is check the file size.. Max 1024kb
Step Two: Name Files Correctly
Avoid using long and complex file names for images uploaded to the Gallery, avoid spaces between words use an undescore instead. e.g. Tower_Bridge
Step Three: Uploading Images to Your Gallery
Once your image(s) have been resized and named correctly upload to the Gallery as follows:
- Navigate to the Gallery Home Page using the ‘Gallery’ link at the top of the Neath Photographic Society Home Page.
- Locate the ‘login’ link situated at the top left of the Gallery.
- Login to the Gallery using the username and password sent to you by email
- Once logged into your Gallery account an ‘Upload file’ link will appear at the top left of the screen.
- Select an ‘Album’ where you would like to upload your images to – e.g. ‘Misc’
- Please note: If no albums exist, you will need to create an album before uploading your first image. Do this using the ‘Create/order my albums’ link situated in the middle just above the ‘Category’ section of the Gallery. This is where you can manage your albums and organise your images as you prefer.
- Select ‘Browse’ to navigate to the folder on your local hard drive to select the image for upload
- Once the upload has completed, select ‘Continue’ and enter a ‘Title’ and ‘Description’ (optional) if you want to say something about your image when prompted.
- The upload process is now complete and you will be able view your image in the Gallery.