Great Start

The Enprint comp was a great start to our 2007-08 season and it was good to see some new faces and also  some old ones returned.

The entry of 51 enprints was the highest ever and this bodes well for our monthly comps and battles etc.

The voting was extremely consistent (it rekindled my belief in the democratic system) with a handful of super enprints attracting the admiration of most members.


5th (19 points) – Cliff Emery with a charming child portrait in B&W.

4th (22 points) – Terry Goss with a great night shot.

3rd (24 points) – Julian Brock with a lovely female portrait.

2nd (26 points) – James Alexander with a brilliantly timed action shot.

1st – The winning enprint scored a massive 51 points and was another superb piece of night photography from Cardiff Bay by Terry Goss.

Many congratulations to Terry and thanks to all who supported the event.

Remember that you can still use your pictures from last night in other comps because the Enprint Comp does not score towards Photographer of the Year and there are plenty of precedents where reworked enprint images have gone on to do well both internally and externally in other events.