Congratulations to Dewi Jones on getting a print accepted into the prestigious Cotswold Monochrome Salon 2008, no mean feat, so very well done Dewi. We all know of Dewi’s passion for monochrome photography and especially lith printing and I-R film photography. Recently he’s been experimenting in the field of digital I-R with great success. However, the print that got accepted is a  male portrait of a bearded gentleman. The Cotswold Monochrome Salon 2008 will be shown at ‘Churchdown School, Winston Road, Churchdown, Gloucester, GL3 2RB.’ The exhibition will be open for public viewing from Saturday 12th July until Saturday 19th July. It will be open from 10am until 5pm daily – including Sunday, so come along and see some really excellent prints and digital images. The school is easily accessible from the M5, and has plenty of free parking on the site.