No not buy one get one free but very nearly , two judges for the price of one (who would not take payment anyway )
Les Loosemoore was our judge for the night stepping in at the last minute; he only agreed as long as Mike Stokes from Bridgend Camera Club judged the DPI’s, (Les does not like judging DPI’s), hence the two for one deal .
Les was on fine form, even tearing up his cropping masks when asked by the audience where they were !, not to worry he had another set and in fairness I personally think there is a lot in what he says . He quickly established a line of rejects and slowly built up a display on his own display stand of the “better ones” as he described them ! Like the previous competition, rivalry was intense between “Hopalong” and “Trigger” with both of them having prints in the final assessment.
“Trigger” got off the first salvo with a 20 for his mono version of “Timeless Bugatti”, David Edwards took best colour and 2nd o/All with Polar Bear on the Pack ice, Arfon separated the rest of the winners in the colour section with his “Not The Time For Photography” (a clock with hands pointing to midday) “Trigger” of course pointed out that the print was upside down and therefore it was 18.00hrs ; Les was taken aback at this and was momentarily at a loss for words , (thought he would have given “Trigger” a yellow card !) , the other 3 in the colour points were all equal, Dewi “Trigger” and “Hopalong” on 17 points each.Mono also rans were Kevin Hunt with his “slant” on “Old and New ” 18 points, Arfon, Dewi, and “Hopalong” following on with 16 points each; this meant that “Trigger” had so far taken a slight lead over his rival and partner “Hopalong” (Before you say anything it’s a business partnership )!
Dpi’s and Mike Stokes in the chair so to speak, just to upset the apple cart he said he preferred “Hopalong’s” print to “Triggers”, but that didn’t count cos he was not print judge but it did fuel the fire (and before you ask again , no I did not prime him ).
Nice easy scoring on this one Ken Watkins, who was not present , took honours , his first I believe with a full 20 for his Mono of “There it Is” ,a shot of Vince and Frank trying to find the image through a long lens ! Well done Ken , pity you were not there to enjoy the moment . Second was “nature boy”, Dave Edwards with another Arctic study this time of a ice breaker forcing its way through the pack ice , 3rd was “Hopalong” with a study in Pastel
4th was Dewi with his industrial shot from the steelworks called “Last Rays of Monday”, Holding up the pack was Graham Cull with “Red Doors” and “Trigger” with another pastel coloured sunset called “At the End There is Light”
“Hopalong” had gained a few points back but will it be enough two more rounds to go in P.O.T.Y. and two battles where they both have selections, time alone will tell.
Finally a very enjoyable night, I did not hear too many grumbles although some comments were made about “Trigger’s” Bugatti, to be expected as some one always will have a slightly different slant on things but that’s what makes it enjoyable .
Finally Finally , it was good to see Ben back in harness with two irreverent images , just like his humour, slightly strange to some !